For online conferences in the car, JABRA headset is recommended
The required item of the online conference "Headset".It is a mike with the headphones and a microphone.This is almost for commercial use (air/broadcast/telephone operator), and there are few things that can be purchased at electronics retailers.Moreover, many products that can be purchased at mass retailers are simple PC parts suppliers.However, the headset of "JABRA", which is a sound manufacturer and manufactures for business use, is the best match for the Shinkansen! This is serious!
はやぶさ号のオフィス車両。筆者が乗った時、仙台以北は昼間ガラガラだった集中力を高める謎アイテムやサブモニタにできるスマートグラスの無料貸し出しも! 使わんけど(笑)By the way, office vehicles are crowded depending on the time of day and trains, and are more than a coffee shop.In addition to myself, some people are crunchy on personal computers, while others are talking in seats, so it is noisy than ordinary cars.On top of that, you will only notice the huge sound of the sound, such as running sounds, passing sounds, iron bridges and station passing sounds.
In such a case, it is almost impossible to have a meeting using a built -in speaker and microphone.There are many times when you can't hear the speaker while you are talking so that you don't Howling with "Keen", and when you're silent, you can't hear the talk out to squeeze the microphone.I couldn't hear it! "
Even with a cheap headset, if you are not talking, you will automatically mute the noise such as the driving sound of the train on the app side, so the voice at the end of the talk and the end of the talk will be very small.I don't know this, but the other person is very hard to hear.So if the other party is a customer, it will be a hiyahiyaya.
EVOLVE2 30。ケーブルにヨレやネジレが起こらない芯線が入っている気遣いが、日本製にも負けないところI use a noise canceling circuit in the microphone, a passive noise canceling type with a sponge and sound insulation like earplugs.There is a sample on the JABRA website that indicates the effect of the effect, so please listen to it.
写真はひとつ上のモデルのデモだがキャンセリング効果は同様。製品情報サイト内で切り替えると違いが分かるこちらの写真は最上位モデルのマイクノイズキャンセリングだがこれに近いレベルまでクリアに聞こえた。選択肢の「他のUC認定オーバーイヤーヘッドセット」「主要な非UC認定イヤホン」はたぶん皆さんが聞きなれた音Jabra headsets include noise canceling for those who can hear them and noise canceling the microphone picked up.Eventually, the noise canceling method of the ears includes a passive noise cancellation that covers the ears with a low -resilience headphone and plays the role of earplugs, and an active noise cancellation that picks up the surrounding sounds and cancels the noise with digital.The digital style is quiet as if in a room in a hotel.The noise cancellation of the microphone was so great that I felt a clear voice as if I was moving to a distance of about 50m away from the surrounding gayagaya.
耳に当たる部分が低反発スポンジでできていて、オープンイヤー方式だけど密閉式なみの静かさMany people say, "It doesn't matter if you bring a headset for an online meeting, you can use earphones with a call function."That's fine if it's a bland meeting.But there may be some content that you want to talk about, such as "story of money," "confidential information," and "I want to hide your identity."In such a case, there are times when the voice is too small and cannot be picked up with a microphone.Even if you use the bone conduction type, if the vocal cords do not tremble, the other person may say, "Yes? What is it now?"But if you cover your mouth with a headset, not only will the microphone pick up the whisper, but you don't have to worry about seeing your mouth!
口元をかくしてヒソヒソ話もできるのがヘッドセットの魅力飲み物を飲んだり、こちらだけの話をしたいときはブームマイクをアップすると自動的にマイクミュートになる。素晴らしき人間工学的なインターフェイス!It is rare that the online conference starts suddenly, and most of the time it is decided what day is determined.So I try to bring a headset only when a meeting is hit while traveling by Shinkansen.
In addition, the performance as a headphone is high and the voice of the conference can be heard clearly, and it is no problem to use it for music.
ワイヤレスで片耳仕様のモデルもある。ヘッドセットに慣れている人や周りの音も聞きたい人に便利There are many lineups for Jabbra headsets.First, wired earphone jack/USB and wireless Bluetooth.Furthermore, open year of open year, sealed type (covered ears), one ear and both ears, passive noise cancellation (earplugs), and active noise cancellation (reducing surrounding noise with digital).You can check the JABRA homepage and listen to the sound at a consumer electronics retailer.If you use a call center for business use, you may not know that you are participating in a meeting from the Shinkansen? If you want to make an alibi, you can also use it for business use for those who want to have a secret conversation in private.Want to.