Do you lose to the new Corona!Recommended for TCG online matches for TCG fans by TCG fans -Game Watch

 Now that the new colon virus is rampant, everyone is spending every day with anxiety and stress.The number of sales and business performance has declined significantly due to the request not to go out of unnecessary urgent outings.Above all, the loss of customers for restaurants is related to the survival of the store.A TCG shop (card shop), which mainly deals with TCG (trading card game), is as serious as restaurants.

 Many TCG shops sell new packs of TCG, built decks, single cards, supplies, etc., as well as space for competing in the store.It is now possible to hold a scale tournament.However, TCG's match against the opponent at a distance of less than 2m and fighting for several tens of minutes is increasing in TCG shops that voluntarily block the battle space because they are so -called rich contact.

 In addition, even though the space is open, the number of TCG manufacturers that states that the official tournament itself will be canceled is increasing, and the Grand Prix of Duel Masters (DM) and Magic: The Gathering (MTG) Magic Fest.Such large tournaments have been canceled one after another.Unlike DCG (digital card game), which can play anytime, anywhere, TCG cannot be played unless you have an opponent in front of you.

新型コロナに負けてたまるか! TCGファンによるTCGファンのためのTCGオンライン対戦のススメ - GAME Watch

 TCG is a real pleasure.If you can't play against it, you will naturally lose your motivation to buy a new pack and strengthen your decks, which will reduce the TCG market and the TCG shop closed.Even so, in recent years, TCG has been pushed by DCGs such as "Shadow Bath", "Hearthstone", and "Dragon Quest Rivals", but if you do not step here, the TCG itself will disappear from Japan.Maybe.

 The author is a paper player who has been playing TCG for eight years (although it is a type that does both DCGs) in the form of being pulled by her daughter, not only for fans who are enthusiastic, but also wider.I always want everyone to be able to enjoy it easily.For students, there are many TCG fans who are disappointed with water, even though they wanted to play TCG as much as they were in the spring break.So, in this special project, I would like to introduce how to enjoy TCG while staying at home.

【TCGショップ】こちらは6月に取材したTCGショップ「晴れる屋 秋葉原店」(参考記事)