22日に移転リニューアルオープンした、e☆イヤホン 秋葉原店 本館。スタッフのたにみくさんが出迎えてくれたThe earphone specialty store, E ☆ earphone, has been relocated and renewed the main building of Akihabara store on the 22nd.Relocated to a building facing Chuo -dori, Akihabara, a 1 -minute walk from the conventional store.A former Liberty store (figure hobby building) was reborn as an E ☆ earphone.The pattern was covered on the 21st of the previous day.We will report on videos to convey the sense of presence of the sales floor.
移転リニューアルした「e☆イヤホン 秋葉原店 本館」にお邪魔しましたThe location after the relocation is 4-7-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Shin-Higashi Building.It is facing Chuo -dori, and if you go straight in Suehiro -cho, it is an easy -to -understand location on your right.The distance is a 7 -minute walk from JR Akihabara Station Electric Street, and a 1 -minute walk from Exit 1 of Suehiro -cho Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.
中央通りを末広町方向へ直進オレンジ色の看板が目印だこちらが秋葉原店 本館の入り口なお、カスタムイヤフォンの店舗や、耳型を採取できるリスニングラボは以前と同じ場所で営業中だAs mentioned above, the feature of the new store is facing Chuo -dori, and it is easy to see the inside of the store lined with earphones from the outside.Not only portable audio fans, but also people walking on the road are easier to find, "Oh, it's an earphone specialty store."
1階には人気の完全ワイヤレスイヤフォン/ヘッドフォンがズラリOn the first floor, there is a new one of the popular wireless earphones.Immediately after entering, there is also a corner where used AirPods is placed.It is convenient to have a corner that picks up products tailored to the application, such as "Kore if you look for a call" or "Low delayed wireless earphones for games".New wireless headphones are also on the first floor.
中古のAirPodsを置いたコーナーも「ゲーム向け低遅延ワイヤレスイヤフォン」など、用途に合わせた製品をピックアップしたコーナーもThe second floor is the "lifestyle" floor.There are carefully selected models, such as "Recommended headphones for watching movies" and "Recommended for teleworks".There are also corners with a large amount of monitor headphones, and corners where you can listen to the topic gaming headphones while actually playing games.
2階映画鑑賞におすすめのヘッドフォンテレワークにオススメモニターヘッドフォンを大量に用意したコーナーゲーミングヘッドフォンも試すことができるBluetoothスピーカーやサウンドバーのコーナーもThe third floor is the "audio" floor.It is an assortment that can be said to be a floor for portable audio fans, with wired high -quality earphones.You can listen to the high -end headphones you long for, the portable high -resolution player, and the stationary DAC amplifier.
有線の高音質イヤフォン憧れのハイエンドヘッドフォンも試聴可能One of the unique features of a specialty store is the assortment of replacement earpieces.There is also a corner where you can actually try it, and you can experience the difference in sound due to headphones' earpad replacement.In addition, there are many models that include sentences that explain the tendency of sound on headphones/earphones, and when "too many and I do not know which one to try", I read the text and listen to it.You can also choose.
イヤーパッドの交換による音の違いを体験できる交換用イヤーピースもご覧の品揃えThe 4th floor is a used and outlet floor.Both the earphones and headphones have a masterpiece assortment, and these second -hands can be heard.The chair and desk space for listening are also large.
中古ヘッドフォン、イヤフォン、ケーブルなどの品揃えも豊富だThe 5th floor is a purchase and repair floor.The 6th floor is an event space and cannot enter except for the event date.The date of the interview was still being set up, but online programs and events are planned from here.