Surprisingly many "engine -based" during refueling?Rainy -refueling with "Kayae cigarette"?What is the dangerous act of gasosta?

Should I turn off the engine during gasoline refueling?

When refueling the car, you will be called to turn off the engine.However, it seems that some people refuel with the engine starting, but what are the problems?[Image] Is the contents of the filler port like this!? See the unexpected structure!(15 sheets)

Strictly adhere to the rules of "stopping engine" and "non -smoking" in the stand

In recent years, self -service gas stations have increased, and some drivers are refueling without cutting the engine.There are also voices on SNS such as "I'm afraid of refueling with the engine with the engine," and "Some people are refueling with the engine."The staff of the gas station in Kanagawa Prefecture talks about the engine when refueling."Please make sure that the engine is turned off when refueling, not only in full service but also on self -service stands. We ask for stopping the engine when refueling.No, it is one of the obligations stipulated by the law. "Regarding the suspension of the engine during refueling, in Article 27, paragraph 6 of" Cabinet Order on Dangerous Goods Regulation "," when refueling cars, etc., cars, etc.It is stipulated that the motor is stopped. "So what are the reasons why the engine stop when refueling is required in the first place?The staff at the gas station mentioned earlier said, "It is necessary to stop the engine to reduce the risk of fire."Gasoline is a substance that is easy to vaporize, so when the engine is starting, gasoline is burned more and more and the vapor is advanced.In addition, gasoline has a low flash point of less than minus 40 degrees, and there is a good possibility that even a small fire such as static electricity will be ignited.In other words, gasoline that has been burned with the start of the engine will vaporize and may ignite even a small fire during refueling.In this way, the two points of gasoline, "ease of vaporization" and "low flash point", are the reasons why the engine is required when refueling is required.In the case of refueling when the engine is stopped, the self -service gas station has an "electrostatic removal sheet" that removes static electricity, and is instructed to start refueling after touching.Also, if you refuel without stopping the engine, you will have to sprinkle gasoline around in the unlikely event that the car moves, which is very dangerous.When refueling at a gas station, make sure that the car does not move by cutting the engine and sticking it firmly to the side brake.* * * A vaporized gasoline is heavier than the air, so it seems that it often stays near the ground.Therefore, it is considered that it is very dangerous to drop cigarette ashes on the ground, as well as fire such as writers in your hand.There was also a voice on SNS saying, "Refueling or seriously dangerous while smoking cigarettes", "I want you to discover people with cigarettes at gas stations."There is also a strictly prohibited fire in the gas station, so be sure to make sure you do not smoke.

Peacock Blue K.K.