Wireless earphones for waterproof, 40 % point back if you buy by 10:00 tomorrow!-Den shock Online

 Nuar's wireless earphone "N6 mini waterproof full wireless earphone black" is the target product of Rakuten Super DEAL.It can be purchased with 40 % point back until 10:00 on December 17, 2021.

"N6 mini waterproof complete wireless earphone black"


* After the end of this target period, the Super DEAL campaign may be continued with the same product.

Product information

■独自の“NUARL DRIVER”[N6]v3搭載 「N6 mini」は上位モデルの高音質を受け継ぎながらも小型/軽量化を実現した「N6」シリーズの弟分です。

 The most important driver that plays music is equipped with a unique "Nuarl Driver" [N6] V3, which is also used as the top model, to play a sharp and powerful sound from high to low frequencies.

■手の中サイズでもタフ イヤホン単体で最大8時間。ケースとの組み合わせにより最大32時間の音楽再生を実現。

 The charging case that is compact enough to be held in the palm can fully charge the earphones three times.

防水対応ワイヤレスイヤホン、明日10時までに買えば40%ポイントバック! - 電撃オンライン

 Equipped with a robust aluminum material and a magnet lock mechanism to prevent the earphones from popping out and damaged at the time of falling.

■小さくてもフル機能 タッチセンサー式の操作ボタンでスマートフォンの音楽再生操作や音量調整、着信操作が可能。

 Equipped with dual microphones, it also supports uses such as calls, audio inputs, audio commands such as Siri/GA, and remote conferences.

 It is also equipped with a "external sound import" function that allows you to listen to the surrounding sounds while wearing the waterproofness of IPX7 and earphones.

■簡単便利 イヤホンはケースから取り出すだけで自動的にペアリングモードになり、ペアリング済みの端末が近くにある場合は自動的に再接続されます。

 Since the pairing is only one simple pairing, there is no need to set the left and right earphones individually.The ON-OFF of the power supply is not required on the earphone side just by putting it in and out of the case.

■耳に優しい 装着感と遮音性を両立した抗菌仕様のシリコンイヤピース「Block Ear+」を付属。

 Earphones are highly waterproof of IPX7, so you can wash them with water even if they get dirty with rain or sweat.It is limited to water washing with tap water.If you wash it with water, be sure to wipe off the water completely before putting it in the case before storing it.

 Please quit using it in places that are always submerged, such as shower or pool.The charging case is not a waterproof specification.

■ Rakuten Official Poi Live App "Super Point Screen"