The "#World Cloming Plan" is a friend "KUROMIES", in which Kuromi takes various challenges and acts and acts on the activities to create a "world where everyone can aim for the best self in history".It is a project that will increase the number of worlds around the world and also send the new charm of Kuromi itself.From today, as the first installment of the world view, we will release a music video of the first song "GREEDY GREEDY" that forms Kuromi's thoughts as an "artist" today.Until now, it has sometimes appeared on My Melody's Twitter, but a new SNS account for Kuromi has been opened.We will use images and flash animations on SNS, using images and flash animations, such as the back side of the "#World Cloming Plan", the everyday life of the chromi, and the clumsy aspects that can be said to be the charm of chromi.In addition, Kuromi first declared the start of the “#World Criminalization Plan” from Shibuya, Tokyo, Tokyo, in order to disseminate his thoughts.Prior to starting the project, more than 200 posters have been posted in the city of Shibuya since October 26 (Tuesday).We announced the sentence of Kuromi.Also, from October 31 (Sun), Kuromi objects will appear in the SHIBUYA109 store event space.We are planning to continue to embody the thoughts of Kuromi in Shibuya in Shibuya.◆ Cromi profile self -proclaimed My melody rival.It looks like a violent, but it's actually a woman!?I like the cool man.The charm point is black and pink dokuro.My hobby is to keep a diary.Recently I have been addicted to romance novels.My favorite color is black.My favorite food is Rakkyo.But in fact, there are places where the delicate aspects of spelling the subtleties of their hearts in the diary, and sometimes they look like a violent because they are clumsy, but their sister's skin is a friend.A woman who is gentle and has a hard -working part.◆ #Which is a world -class cloma plan, I can go beyond me.I have no regrets for myself.But I'm not satisfied.It's the best now, and it's more cool tomorrow!If you think so, I think every day will be more fun.Everyone can aim for more and more longing.Change to a world where everyone wants to be.Look, let's be yourself!#World Kuromi Plan will start!The "#World Cloming Plan" is a friend of "KUROMIES", a friend who has various challenges and sympathizes with the activities to create a "world where everyone can aim for the best in his own history".It is a project that will increase the number of charms of Kuromi itself.People who are mainly for the Z generation who support Kuromi may have trouble with "personality" and "self who want to be" while using SNS as self -expression.In addition, the number of people who think about self -realization is increasing, as the time of the inner -paces has increased, and the time of the introspection has increased.For those people, Kuromi itself will show the world where everyone wants to be the one who wants to be a person who wants to be a longing for himself.First of all, as the first step, in addition to opening a single SNS that sends out clumsy aspects of Kuromi, everyday life, as well as a single SNS that is also attractive, publishes music videos in the form of thoughts.A poster to inform you of the launch of the "#World Cloming Plan" by Kuromi, and Kuromi Bouja appeared today in the Shibuya store event space.Even after November, we will embody the thoughts of Kuromi in Shibuya one after another.Kuromi's thoughts will be sent on each SNS.Twitter: http: // www.twitter.Com/KUROMI_PROJECTINSTAGRAM: http:// http://◆アーティスト活動開始!クロミの想いを具現化した楽曲『Greedy Greedy』ミュージックビデオを初公開クロミの想いを届ける手段として、楽曲を制作し、アーティストとしても活動をスタートさせます。本日10月31日(日)より、第一弾楽曲『Greedy Greedy(グリーディー グリーディー)』のミュージックビデオを公開いたします。モーニング娘。をはじめとしてさまざまなアーティストの作品やアニメソングを手がける作詞家・児玉雨子が作詞を、高慶"CO-K"卓史が作曲・編曲を担当。前向きでちょっぴり強気な歌詞には、クロミからの「自分史上最高の自分を目指そう」というメッセージが込められています。このミュージックビデオでは、クロミが自分史上最高の自分を目指しながら渋谷の街を歩いていくことで、どんどん渋谷の世界がクロミ化していく様子を表現しています。また、今回ミュージックビデオで公開した楽曲『Greedy Greedy』は、この冬音楽配信サイトにて配信予定です。〈ミュージックビデオ公開詳細〉アーティスト名:クロミタイトル:『Greedy Greedy』作詞:児玉雨子 作曲・編曲:高慶"CO-K"卓史公開日時:2021年10月31日(日)0時YouTube URL:『Greedy Greedy』 歌詞 1番抜粋よくばり いいじゃん全然いいじゃん何を一体 (Do Do it Do it)気にすんの?キラキラ シャドー ベルベット クレバー誰が実際 (Do Do it Do it)ジャマすんの?なぐさめ お電話 イヤ イヤ イヤ イヤあくびが出ちゃう (Yawn Yawn)めちゃ振り回したいついて来れれば おいで!(Yeah Yeah)Aww! Cool look at me!How cool I’m, look at me!「自分史上で最高の自分に変身!」Aww! Cool look at me!How cool I’m, look at me!「がんばるアタイって超超超さいきょ〜!」叶えたい 無限大の欲望をだから Do it now Do it now愛したい 自分のこと もっともっとだから Do it now Do it nowGotta goGreedy greedy go君は誰なの?Greedy greedy go私は私よGreedy greedyWe gotta go私が私を連れてゆくの〈作詞担当・児玉雨子プロフィール〉作詞家・作家。1993年生。モーニング娘。'20、アンジュルム、私立恵比寿中学、CUBERS、中島愛、斉藤壮馬、近田春夫などのアーティストや、『ワッチャプリマジ!』『アイドルマスターシャイニーカラーズ』『劇場版マクロスFrontier 時の迷宮』等のアニメソングにも歌詞を提供する。2021年に小説集『誰にも奪われたくない/凸撃』(河出書房新社)を発売。◆渋谷にて200枚以上のポスター掲出や大型ビジョンでのMV放映開始。街中がクロミ一色に・#世界クロミ化計画を伝えるべく、渋谷に200枚以上のポスター掲出10月26日(火)〜11月8日(月)の期間中、「#世界クロミ化計画」を告知するポスターを渋谷の街の各所に掲出しています。メインビジュアルのポスターを掲出するほか、数枚のみクロミのシルエットデザインやサインが描かれた特別バーションも登場しています。複数のポスターで「#世界クロミ化計画」をアピールしています。
Shibuya posters (main visual version)
The place where the poster is posted is a mark mark
Posters are being posted in the city of Shibuya from 26th
・クロミオブジェがSHIBUYA109店頭イベントスペースに登場SHIBUYA109 Kuromi objects appearing in the store event space (image is an image)