The Rakuten Group has held a two -day online conference event "Rakuten Optimism 2021" from October 12, 2021.Perhaps because the number of participants was greatly exceeded the assumption, the live distribution was suspended early, and the start of nearly 30 minutes was delayed, and the schedule was changed.
There was an expectation that there would be a big announcement, but unfortunately there was no new announcement.In a keynote speech by Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman of the Rakuten Group, and the highest executive officer, the business vision after Corona, specifically, 5G and AI, and new technologies such as blockchain, the conventional industry.It was mainly to create a significantly changing posture.
On the other hand, regarding the business of the feet, we are looking back on the current situation.Regarding Rakuten Mobile's business, which has attracted attention, in addition to mobile communication in Japan, cooperation with other Rakuten Group's services, and the technology of full virtualization networks that the company features as characteristics, etc.It was explained again that we will expand the three businesses, which are sold to.
One of the major pillars, the domestic mobile communication business, is the area maintenance that has been issued more than before.Mr. Mikitani gave this lecture, 93 at the end of September 2021..It is said that the 3%population cover rate has been achieved, but it has been explained that the population cover rate of 96%will be achieved in the first quarter of 2022, and that it will be around April to June in 2022.rice field.
When Rakuten Mobile significantly ahead of the initial plan and proceeded with the development of base stations, the time of 96%of the population was "around the summer of 2021", but it was affected by the shortage of semiconductors.The goal was defeated in 2021.This announcement revealed that the target of the semiconductor deficiency was more serious than expected, and that the goal was defeated further and a delay of more than six months would occur.
On the other hand, Rakuten Mobile has announced that it will gradually end roaming with KDDI in 39 prefectures from October 2021 and switch only to its own line.Until the network maintenance progressed, the company covered the non -maintenance areas by roaming with KDDI, but many capitals have been enhanced to some extent, such as the population coverage exceeding 90%.It seems that roaming will be terminated in the prefecture sequentially.
However, the reason why Rakuten Mobile rushes to roaming is not only enhanced in the area but also the aim of reducing roaming costs.At a recent financial meeting, Mr. Mikitani has been appealing that the roaming users have increased due to the increase in Rakuten Mobile's contractors, and the roaming costs paid to KDDI are high, and the roaming costs are reduced.He said that the promotion of members acquisition could not be aggressive.
It is certain that Rakuten Mobile saves Rakuten Mobile, and eventually the Rakuten Group is the largest management issue, and it seems that it has been decided that it will end early roaming after the population coverage exceeds 90%.。
From a user point of view, Rakuten Mobile's price plan "Rakuten Un-Limit VI" cannot be used unless it is on the Rakuten Mobile line, so it is easier to enjoy data communication at the end of roaming with KDDI.However, the population cover rate is already 99.Since the KDDI network that has achieved more than 9%cannot be used, there is a concern that there will be more places where communication will not be possible at the end of roaming, and the roaming has ended ahead of time.Many voices were said to be unable to communicate due to the end of roaming, even outside the ward.
Of course, the Rakuten Mobile side also grasps such voices, and at the end of this roaming, simulate more carefully, set up a small base station in an indoors where radio waves are difficult to enter, and is also susceptible to the end of roaming., It seems that the users on the border of the area are informed in advance and dealing with them.However, it is unlikely that a place where communication cannot be communicated will be zero, and if there is a lot of "holes" in the area after the roaming, the communication quality after the roaming is greatly concerned because the user will greatly increase the dissatisfaction.It will be called.
ちなみにその1&1を運営するドリリッシュ・ネッツAGのミハエル・マーティン氏は、Rakuten Optimismのセッションで今後の事業課題として、基地局を設置するロケーションとプラチナバンドの確保を挙げていました。どんなに新しい技術を取り入れても、新興の携帯電話会社が抱える課題は世界共通といえるだけに、楽天モバイルが真にユーザーから評価を得て5Gを活用したビジョンを実現するには、やはり国内でのエリア整備こそが最も重要であることに変わりないでしょう。
楽天モバイルはその解決策として、現在総務省で議論が進められている周波数帯の再割り当てによるプラチナバンドの免許獲得、そして米AST&Science社と進めている、低軌道衛星を基地局にして携帯電話と直接通信し、日本全土をカバーする「スペースモバイル計画」に期待を寄せているようです。ですがいずれも実現には多くの障壁があり、現時点で目途が立っている訳ではないだけに、当面は1.A steady area development due to the 7GHz band, such as the band, is likely to be the only solution to solve the problem.
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