近年、共働き世帯の増加やライフスタイルの変化により家事の効率化に対するニーズが高まっています。それに伴いドラム式洗濯乾燥機の需要が増え、市場の拡大とともに設置場所の制約や洗濯乾燥の仕上がりの向上、除菌・消臭機能など、ユーザーのニーズがより明確になってきております。AQUAはこのようなニーズに対応するべく、AQW-DX12M(以下、本商品)は以下の仕様を採用、機能を搭載いたしました。ドラム式洗濯乾燥機 AQW-DX12Mの特長1.Classes that can be installed in a wider range of families.1 * 1 compact large capacity 2."Mortging drum" that suppresses the entanglement and uneven washing of the laundry 3.The disinfecting and deodorizing function due to the synergistic effect of heat and UV has been reduced by about 20 % compared to conventional models (AQW-DJ7000 washing capacity 9kg) to eliminate the restrictions of the installation location.For the first time in the industry ( * 2) Micro channel system is used for the heat exchanger used for drying, and the heat replacement efficiency is improved and the washing capacity 12kg class is NO..1(※1)のコンパクトボディを実現しています。また、従来機種に採用されていた斜めドラムには、乾燥時に洗濯物が絡み合いシワになりやすいという課題がありました。本商品は当社が業務用洗濯機の開発で培ってきた経験を活かし、コインランドリー用大型洗濯乾燥機と同様に水平ドラムを採用しました。ドラムを水平に設置することで洗濯物に均等に回転力がかかるため洗いムラをなくし、洗濯物の絡みやシワを抑えながら乾燥させることができます。昨今の新しい生活様式において、清潔性や衛生面に対するユーザーの意識は高まっています。当社の調査によると、コロナ禍において衣類の除菌に関心が高まったというユーザーは全体の80%を占めており(※3)、特に除菌に対する関心やニーズの変化がうかがえます。この清潔意識の高まりに応えるべく、本商品は熱とUVによって洗濯物の除菌や消臭ができる機能を搭載しました。温風ミストとUVを掛け合わせた「エアウォッシュ」、UVを照射しながら60℃の温水で洗う「お湯洗いコース」、高温乾燥による「熱・UVパワフル除菌」により、手軽に衣類などを清潔に保てます。AQUAは本商品の多彩な洗濯コースや除菌機能、乾燥時にも絡まず取り出しやすい快適さで、毎日の洗濯をサポートいたします。※1:洗濯容量12kgクラスの国内家庭用洗濯乾燥機において。総外形寸法の体積比による比較。2021年9月30日現在。当社調べ。※2:国内家庭用洗濯乾燥機において。2021年9月30日現在。当社調べ。※3:調査期間 2020年8月19日~24日、調査対象 洗濯機を保有している全国の25~69歳の女性、n=619。当社調べ。【AQW-DX12M 主な商品特長】●より幅広いご家庭に設置できる、クラスNo.1 ( * 1) Compact large capacity
● Escinates and deodorizing functions due to the synergistic effect of heat and UV
A UV light with a high effect ( * 4) is placed between the washing tub and the outer tank.Irradiate a UV light in the tank and clean the water while washing.In addition, it has a variety of functions that are more effective for disinfecting due to the synergy with heat.You can easily remove and deodorize with your usual washing.1.Airwash x UV airwash circulates hot air to wrap the clothing, filling the tank of fine mist generated by ultrasound ( * 5) and deodorizing ( * 5).6) It is a function that can be done.By rotating the tank with the warm air mist, the wrinkles are stretched while removing the dust and finishing it softly.You can easily take care of unwashed clothes without any hassle while suppressing damage.
2.Hot water washing mode x UV
It is a course that can be washed with 20 ° C to 60 ° C hot water according to the purpose and the material of the clothing.By using hot water for washing, the force of the enzyme of the detergent is activated and the detergency is greatly increased.In addition to removing sebum dirt that causes odor and yellowing, it is possible to remove bacteria ( * 7) in 60 ° C hot water.The hot water washing mode is irradiated with the UV light into the warehouse while washing, and the water is cleaned.3.Inspired drying (standard -dried course) x UV about 65 ° C. While drying softly with warm air, the clothing is removed ( * 8).The standard -dried course provides clean washing and drying due to the synergistic effect of the UV light that produces bactericidal water and the heat during drying.[Other features] -Drying filter Automatic cleaning dried dried dried dried dried lint -dust is detected before and during drying driving, automatically sweeps with a wiper, and washed with water.Since all the flowing dust catches with a drainage filter, it is no longer necessary to clean the main dried filter, which was necessary every time a drying function was used.The drying auxiliary filter can be carried out once a week, so the trouble is greatly reduced.In addition, the water flowing from the built -in dried filter is washed off not only the filter, but also the part where the inside dust easily accumulates is washed off all together, and the dry air is always beautifully kept beautifully.The structure that does not accumulate dust and dust will prevent the deterioration of drying performance due to aging.
・ While repeating the stool and rotation of the all -round penetrating cleaning drum, the high -concentration detergent is quickly penetrated throughout the clothing.In addition to the fir washing, the clothing is removed straight from a high position and the tapping washing is performed by removing the spills and the sebum dirt of the eli.By devising control and structure, the washing time is class..About 29 minutes of 1 ( * 9) has been realized.It is possible to quickly wash 12kg laundry.
・ Liquid detergent / softener automatic introduction function
The liquid detergent and softener are automatically weighed and put in according to the amount of laundry, eliminating the trouble of weighing each time of laundry and preventing too much detergent.In addition, since the case can be removed and washed, it is easy to clean when changing the type of detergent or softener.It also has a route washing function in the detergent and softener tank.
・ Speed Washing Course 0.The synthetic clothing up to 5 kg is performed in about 55 minutes from washing to drying.It is a useful function for washing and drying a small amount, such as gym clothes for children that are suddenly needed and shirts you want to wear the next day.・ Washing course This course is automatically performed pre -wash before washing using the automatic introduction function.By washing it twice, it prevents dirt transfer such as mud dirt.Up to 6 kg washing capacity.
* 4: Examination request / Japanese microorganism clinic Co., Ltd., test method / UV irradiation by UV irradiation to washing water, test result / decrease rate of bacteria 99 % or more, UV irradiation for bacteria / bacterial solution, target part/ Washing water and eradication effect may vary depending on the amount of clothing, type, dirt, and water used.* 5: Examination request / Japanese microorganism clinic Co., Ltd., test method / bacterial fabric number of raw bacteria in test cloth, disinfecting method / "Airwash", disinfecting part / test result / (test result / (test resultBacteria decrease rate) 99.0% or more.* 6: Examination request / Omi Odier Service Co., Ltd., Test method / Evaluation of tobacco odor with a 6 -step odor intensity display method, bactericidal method / "Airwash", disinfecting part / inside drums.Clothes, test results / [fashionable 20 minutes course] Initial 3, natural neglected 3, airwash 2 [standard 30 minutes course] Initial 3, natural neglect 3, airwash 1.5 [Standard 1 -hour course] Initial 3, natural neglect 2.5, Air Wash 1.Five.* 7: Examination request / Japanese microorganism clinic Co., Ltd., test method / bacterial fabric test fabric measurement of raw bacteria, disinfecting method / heat -heated water, clothing in drums, test results / (bacteria (bacteria)Reduction rate) 99.0% or more.* 8: Examination request / Japanese microorganism clinic Co., Ltd., test method / Economic bacteria measurement of test cloth, disinfecting method / UV and high -temperature drying, disinfecting part / drums, test results / (test result / (Bacteria decrease rate) 99.0% 以上。※9:洗濯容量12㎏クラスの国内家庭用洗濯乾燥機において。2021年9月30日現在。当社調べ。【まっ直ぐドラム リリースムービー】
【ドラム式洗濯乾燥機 AQW-D12M】衣類や目的に合わせた温度で洗える「お湯洗いコース」や乾燥フィルターのお手入れの手間を低減する「乾燥フィルター自動おそうじ」を搭載したベーシックモデル「AQW-D12M」を11月上旬に同時発売いたします。「まっ直ぐドラム」でムラなく洗い、効果的に叩き洗いを行う「オールラウンド浸透洗浄」や乾燥時にも洗濯物が絡まずシワにならない「絡み防止乾燥」で快適な洗濯をご提案します。
[Product Overview] Product site URL: https: // aqua-has.com/cp/laundry/drumseries/