株式会社 STG 株式会社STG(本社:大阪府八尾市、代表取締役社長:佐藤輝明、証券コード:5858、以下 STG)は、自社のもつマグネシウム合金の鋳造加工技術を用いて、超軽量の次世代マスクケース「SLIMBOX」を開発しました。 抗ウイルス加工(注)の、安心・安全なマスクケースは、ビジネスパーソンの身だしなみとして、また、企業の衛生リテラシー対策として、新しい生活習慣を応援します。(注)抗菌・抗ウイルス性を持つ特殊塗料によりコーティングしていますが、新型コロナウイルスに対する効果を証明するものではありません。 私たちの生活で、マスクはもはや必需品になりました。ビジネスのシーンでも、1年を通じてマスクをつけるのが当たり前になった時、マスクを外す時にどのように保管するのかがビジネスマナーとして、今後ますます問われるようになると考えています。そこで、私たちの「マグネシウム加工」という強みを発揮し、1.Can be sealed properly 2.Can be stored hygienically by antibacterial processing 3.Thin and lightweight and convenient to carry 4.Fashionable and durable 5.We have devised the world's first mask case that combines the five characteristics of removing plastic and environmentally friendly. ■ Musque manner in the new style of life has increased various types of masks due to the expansion of the new colona infection, and has been used in business and private use and carrying multiple masks. Surprisingly defenseless is when you remove the mask at a meeting or a meal. Do you put it on the table or put it in your bag or pocket casually? If you want to wear a mask, are you jumping out of the case or wrinkled? Smart infection risk measures are no longer a new business manner. ■ Aiming is "Lightweight x durable x clean" and magnesium, which is a sustainable raw material, is also noticeable as a plastic alternative, is lighter, stronger than aluminum, and is a recycled non -ferrous metal material. We hope that by delivering a healthy lifestyle that is friendly to the earth and humans from the manufacturing industry directly to customers, we can realize a good seller, buyer, and the world. In addition, we would like to convey the goodness of manufacturing Japan by partnership with different industries and contribute to the creation of sustainable society that improves society and the environment. ■ Crafun.Start crowdfunding (purchase type) ahead of July 29 from July 29, crowdfunding will be held from July 29 (Wed) to August 23 (Sun), which will reduce future environmental impact.We will contribute to the development of new materials and the development of products to prevent infection, and contribute to the creation of new normary lifestyles.After crowdfunding, general sales will be started immediately.(Crafun.JP) https: // crafun.JP/Projects/View/100 [About STG] URL http: // www.STGROUP.JP/STG Co., Ltd. has developed a one -stop business with a one -stop specialist group of lighter product weight reductions, focusing on magnesium diastomasts, from mold design, molded parts casting, machine processing, finishing, and chemical processing.I am.
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