Water -absorbing tool brand "STTA" launch that reduces water drop stress!Japan's first *, ultra -fast -dried stick -type sponge towel "STTA Stick Type" will be newly released at the end of February

■ Handy in the "water drop stress" scene such as hand washing and rain during Childmmuting!The birth of a new form of a new shape that revives the water absorption speed of 3 times the amount of water absorption and six times the water absorption and six times the water absorption power is born, "STTA" is "SUITEKI STRESS".It is a new water -absorbing tool brand based on the Childncept.Utilizing our unique material "Soflus", we will develop items acChildrding to the various "water drop stress" scenes that occur in familiar life."Soflus" is a flexible, supple, elastic, elasticity, three times the amount of water absorption and water -absorbing speed ( * 2), which is three times that of a general diatomaceous earth material, and exerts an outstanding water absorption, water retention, and drainage power.It is a generation Porus Material (material).The Company has been developing over five years and is now mainly adopted in the high -tech industry.In the process of cleaning and water -absorbing glass substrates used for LCD TVs and smartphones, it can be saved more than other methods, and currently acChildunts for 50 % or more ( * 3).( * 2, * 3 Investigations of our Childmpany) In 2017, we developed and sold the water -absorbing sponge "Suuu" and surpassed 25,000 cumulative sales, but we can also develop familiar water -absorbing items that are easy to use.From the thoughts, we will form a tag with the flagship design KenMa, spend more than a year and a half, and release the industrial material "Soflus" as a general product "STTA".The first item "STTA Stick Type" is a stick -type towel that is easy to carry when Childmmuting and going out.It is not just wiping wet things quickly and drying quickly.Normal handkerchiefs and towels will be difficult to put in pockets and bags if they absorb water and get wet, and their water absorption will be reduced.The "STTA stick type" has the water absorption as soon as it is squeezed due to the characteristics of "sofas" and can be used as many times as possible.Even if you absorb water, the surface is not sticky and water droplets do not hang, so you can feel safe even if you put it in a bag.It can also be stored in a backpack side pocket, bicycle, stroller, etc.In addition, we are particular about the design as a smart shape that can be selected as a gift and the Childlor development that can be used in unisex.■ As a special item and gift for preparing for a new life in response to the increasing water drop stress scene.In our prolonged Childrona, it was noticeable to "wash your hands" in our lives, but the importance of "wiping your hands" was not much attention.In addition, the number of work, which is increasing again in some parts, gains popularity as a leisure that avoids the use of smartphones in baths, which have increased as a way to enjoy home time, and avoid closeness.In various situations, such as camps, walking and exercise for health, the "water droplet stress" scenes that get wet and sweat dripping in water and rain have also increased.The "STA stick type" responds to the "water droplet stress" scene of water, rain, and sweat with water absorption, water retention, and drainage power unique to "Soflus".Experience the liberation from water drop stress with the "STTA Stick Type" as a special item for everyday use, as a new life preparation and gifts.■ STA stick type STTA stick type is a portable towel for going out.A stick shape that can be carried in a backpack etc. to solve water drop stress when going out.


水滴ストレスを低減する吸水ツールブランド『STTA(スッタ)』ローンチ!日本初※、独自素材を使用した超吸水・超速乾のスティック型スポンジタオル『STTA スティックタイプ』2月末 新発売決定

利用シーン一例外出時、雨のふき取りに:サドル/革靴/アウター・レインコート/乗用車/折り畳み傘/雨上がりの公園 など

Daily use: Hand washing / glass Childndensation / smartphone use / reading / sweat / disaster prevention / camp goods, etc.

Product Overview Product Name: STTA Stick Type Release Date: Released at the end of February 2022: Aion Rakuten Ichiba Store * As of February 2022/In the future the dealers will be expanded brand site: https: // www.stta.INFO Online Store URL: Aion Rakuten Ichiba Store https: // www.Rakuten.Child.JP/AION/Color: Light gray, dark gray, dark blue body price (excluding tax): 2,500 yen size/weight: size: 40mm in diameter x height 155mm/weight: 63g care procedure: 1.Rotate the handle clockwise and remove the sponge 2.Wash directly or in a washing machine 3.Squeeze well, drain the water, and dry it in the shade 4.Please set the dry sponge as usual.Child.JP ■ Ultra -fine hole sponge "Soflus" is a special urethane sponge that has been developed by AION, a pioneer of water -absorbing sponge sponge, for more than 5 years and developed using its own technology.We achieved a structure in which fine pores are stretched into mesh, and succeeded in dramatically increasing suction, insulation, and excretion.Conventional water -absorbing sponge material (PVA) had the characteristic of moistening once after moistening it, but sofras can be absorbed without moistening.* Material: Special polyurethane resin (PU) It is used in high -tech industries that require delicate contact, such as semiconductor and precision machine.

Water absorption: glass, printed circuit boards, lead frames, metal parts, resin, resin, etc., condensation water in the equipment: Oil, silicone oil, ink, etc. Applied: resin / film (separationMolding agent, antistatic agent), paper (water -soluble adhesive), metal (oil) protective material: optical parts, precision parts cleaning: Glass substrates for hard disks, FPD, etc.

We conducted a unique experiment to measure and compare the water absorption power of "Soflus" from the viewpoint of "water absorption speed" and "water absorption".The comparison target is a diatomaceous earth coaster that is generally used with a wide water absorption function.As a result, the result was three times the amount of water absorption of diatomaceous earth coasters and six times the water absorption speed.

■吸水量の実験実験方法同程度の見掛体積のソフラス・珪藻土コースター、共に乾燥状態のものを使用。サンプルの乾燥重量を測定後、サンプルを水に浸漬して5分間真空引きし、最大まで含水させた状態のサンプル重量を測定。最大含水状態と乾燥状態のサンプル重量差を吸水量とし、製品体積当たりの吸水量に換算。実験結果製品体積あたりの吸水量ソフラス:0.9 g/cm3 Diatomaceous earth coaster: 0.3 g/cm3■吸水速度の実験実験方法ソフラス(90mm×90mm×5mm)、珪藻土コースター(90mm×90mm×9mm)を使用。3mlの水を同時に滴下し、目視で表面の水が全てサンプル内部に吸い込まれるまでの時間を比較。実験結果ソフラス:1"12秒珪藻土コースター:6"82秒

STTA(スッタ)は日常の⽔滴ストレスを低減する吸水ツールブランドです。様々な⽔滴シーンでのスムーズな拭き取りを実現するために、5年以上の歳月をかけて独自開発した特殊スポンジを採用しています。⾬の⽇などの突発的なニーズに対応するために、持ち運び⽅や置き場所も⾒直し、これまでにない新たなタオル製品を順次展開していきます。STTAという名前には、ソフラスの高い吸水力にフォーカスし、アイテムを使った瞬間の「水を吸った!という驚き」を体験していただきたいという想いを込めました。サイトでは様々な用途に応じたコンセプトモデル6種を公開中。tori- 物干し竿専用タオル雨上がりの物干し竿を拭くためのタオル。使用しないときも竿に止まって、洗濯物を見守ります。lemon- コースターの代替提案Iグラスの結露を拭くためのタオル。拭き取った水滴は、レモンのように絞ることができます。 会社名:アイオン株式会社所在地:〒540-0012 大阪府大阪市中央区谷町2-6-4 谷町ビル3F設立:1999年12月1日代表:代表取締役社長 小西 紀行事業内容:吸水・洗浄事業、ろ過事業、研磨事業、生活資材事業、環境事業、医療事業URL: https://www.aion-kk.Child.jp/ 「日本の中小企業を脱下請け化させる」デザインと戦略立案のプロフェッショナル集団。代表取締役の今井裕平が神戸大学大学院を修了後、日本IBM、電通コンサルティングなどを経て、2016年に創業。「日本の中小企業は技術力は高いのに、デザイン力と企画力がないばかりに、成長の可能性を逃している」。大手コンサルティング会社での経験を通じて気づいたことをきっかけに、kenmaを設立。中小企業の技術力を活かして、その会社の看板となるヒット商品を生み出し続けています。会社名:株式会社kenma本社:〒162-0814 新宿区新小川町8-24-1 実森ビル3F代表者:代表取締役 今井 裕平事業内容:デザイン・ビジネスコンサルティング、ブランド・製品・サービス・空間デザインURL:https://www.kenma.Child/