Macromill's proprietary method!What is the "NPS (R) map" that helps to judge the strategy and direction to aim for?(Newsletter)

NPS (R) is an abbreviation of "Net Promoter Score: Net Promoter Score" and is an index that quantifies customer royalty.More and more companies are considering hiring as an evaluation indicator for corporate management, but some people say that when they start operation, they face various issues.Macromill, aiming to be a marketing partner of a client company, has devised the NPS (R) map of its own method to eliminate these issues.Here is an overview of the "NPS (R) map" announced at the "Conference 2021" sponsored by the Japan Society of Marketing in October.

1.Focusing on issues related to the essence and score of NPS (R)

● What is NPS (R) in the first place?For each brand to be evaluated, listen to "Recommended degree" in 11 levels (0 to 10 points), and from the results of the answer, critics (0 to 6 points), neutral (7 points, 8 points), and recommended people.Set (9 points and 10 points).NPS (R) is a value that subtracts the ratio of critics from the proportion of this recommended person.The results of NPS (R) are said to be correlated with corporate sales, profits, and growth rates.

マクロミルの独自手法!狙うべき戦略や方向性の判断に役立つ「 NPS(R)マップ」とは?(ニュースレター)


● Hypothesis that Macromill has set up First of all, what is the state of "critics", "neutral people", and "recommenders", and organizing these three relationships does not help solve the problem of NPS (R).I thought.Each condition is defined as follows.

NPS(R)は、この3段階の状態のうち【批判者】と【推奨者】の関係を見ることで、ブランドのロイヤリティを把握し「製品・サービスの満足度」と「情緒的なつながり(推奨意向)」を合わせた総合指標であると考えます。そこに満足者充足率(NPS設問回答者全体に占める「満足者」の割合)、推奨者充足率(満足者における「推奨者」の割合)の指標を導入することで、NPS(R)スコアの意味の理解に役立てられると考えました。●マクロミルが考案した新しい分析手法「NPS(R)マップ」とは?この「満足者充足率」と「推奨者充足率」を組み合わせて2軸のマップ上にプロットしたものを「NPS(R)マップ」と命名しました。このマップの中の「NPS(R)=0」のラインを表す曲線を境にどこにプロットされるかで、 そのブランドがユーザーにどのように評価されているか判断することができ、NPS(R)向上施策の方針を判断することができます。<NPS(R)マップの基本仕様>​

●NPS(R)マップでできることNPS(R)マップにプロットされる自社のNPS®の位置を見ることで、戦略の方向性や判断に役立てられます。1.自社のNPS(R)値の意味の理解NPS(R)マップにプロットされる位置から、自社のNPS(R)値がどんな意味を持っているのか理解することができます。同じ「NPS(R)=マイナス20」でもプロットされる位置によって意味は異なり、NPS(R)の値だけ見ていては分からないことをNPS(R)マップが可視化します。2.NPS(R)改善ための方針立案NPS(R)マップにはNPS(R)がプラスになる境界線=NPS(R)ラインが記載されており、NPS(R)ラインと自社のNPS(R)の距離を 見ることで、NPS(R)をプラスにするために必要な方針を見つけられます。3.NPS®の本質の理解NPS(R)マップは「NPS(R)は結局何を表す指標なのか?」の仮説を提示するため、NPS(R)マップを元にNPS(R)の意味を考えると、「なぜNPS(R)が企業の成長率と相関するのか」の理由が感覚的に理解できます。結果として、NPS®を企業活動の指標として 活用する意味を見出すことができます。●NPS(R)マップ考案者コメント / 株式会社マクロミル リサーチプランナー 内田智之

"NPS (R) is a method that many companies are considering and actually operating because the questions are easy to hear and can easily calculate the results. However, interpretation.I often hear that the results are difficult to do and that they are struggling to operate.

As a macromill that aims to be a marketing partner for customer companies, we have developed NPS (R) maps to eliminate the worries of such companies and make NPS (R) easier to use.I hope you can use it.I think that there is still room for improvement, so I am glad if you can give us your opinions and requests.We will continue to update the NPS (R) map so that you can use it more easily."

After working as a reporter for an electrical industry specialty paper, he joined Interscope (currently Macromill) in 2002.He has been in charge of sales and sales planning, and since 2009, he has been in charge of a wide range of industries, including advertising agencies, manufacturing, and services.He is qualified as a professional statistics investigator, and currently supports sales activities such as research planning, proposal, design, analysis, and study sessions as a research planner.* Copyright of this document is owned by Macromill Co., Ltd.* Please be sure to use "Macromill Co., Ltd." and the source when quoting or reprinted the posted data.Also, when quoted / reprinted, contact us (PRESS@macromill.Please report to COM).