On October 10th, "Premium Outlett Island" will appear in a large lottery and sale "Atsumare Animal Crossing", which will win the "Premium Outlet Day" gorgeous prizes.

【10月10日はプレミアム・アウトレットの日 10月のキャンペーン一覧】■人気ブランド&ご当地の豪華賞品が当たる!大抽選キャンペーン 2021年10月1日(金)~31日(日)日頃のご愛顧に感謝を込め、各プレミアム・アウトレットでは、合計2万円以上お買い上げのお客様に、抽選で最大10万円相当のブランドアイテムやご当地アイテムが当たる大抽選会を実施します。■「あつまれ どうぶつの森」に『プレミアムアウトレッ島』が登場 2021年9月29日(水)公開任天堂株式会社のゲームソフト「あつまれ どうぶつの森」に、プレミアム・アウトレットをモチーフにした『プレミアムアウトレッ島』を公開します。「マイデザイン」では、プレミアム・アウトレットオリジナルのTシャツなどをお楽しみいただけます。■最大10万ポイントがその場で当たる「dポイントくじ」開催 2021年10月1日(金)~31日(日)各プレミアム・アウトレット場内に掲出された本キャンペーンポスターの二次元コードから、くじへ参加いただくと、抽選で、最大10万ポイントがその場で当たります。■各プレミアム・アウトレットで、それぞれ秋を楽しむセールやフェア、イベントを開催 10月特定日開催ハロウィーンの装飾で彩られた各プレミアム・アウトレットでは、秋のトレンドや、スポーツアウトドアアイテムがお得に揃うセールやフェア、B級品を集めたイベントなどを開催します。「プレミアム・アウトレットの日」をきっかけに、日頃のお客様のご愛顧に感謝するとともに、多くの皆様に、お得なショッピングに留まらない多様なプレミアム・アウトレットの楽しさをご体験いただきたいと考えています。プレミアム・アウトレットの日特設サイト:https://www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.jp/sp/shallwego/◆◆人気ブランド&ご当地の豪華賞品が当たる!大抽選キャンペーン◆◆日頃のご愛顧に感謝を込め、キャンペーン期間中、合計2万円以上お買い上げのお客様に抽選で最大で10万円相当のブランドアイテムやご当地アイテムが当たる大抽選会を実施します。「ブランド賞」では、高島屋「季節のフルーツ豪華セット」(御殿場)やデロンギ「オーテンティカ全自動コーヒーマシンセット」(神戸三田)などを、「ご当地賞」では、宿泊券や豪華ステーキセットなど、各プレミアム・アウトレットの立地するエリア厳選のご当地賞品が当たります。開催期間:10月1日(金)~10月31日(日)詳 細 : https://www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.jp/sp/poday_gift/

◆◆ "Premium Outlett Island" appears in "Atsume Animal Crossing" ◆◆

Photo spot of the appearance panel

On September 29, 2021 (Wednesday), "Premium Outlet Island" will appear on September 29, 2021 (Wednesday)."Premium Outlett Island" is a Fukaya Hanazono Premium Outlet, which is scheduled to open in the fall of 2022 to Gotemba, Rinku, Rinku, Sano, Tosu, Toki, Kobe Mita, Sendai Izumi, and Sake Sake's 9 premium outlets.It Childnsists of 10 areas added.

You can also choose a T -shirt with my design

The area of each facility reproduces the characteristics of each photo spot and the surrounding sightseeing spots so that you can enjoy the atmosphere of a premium outlet full of resort, and enjoy the experience unique to Premium Outlet in the game.receive.In addition, the area of the Fukaya Hanazono Premium Outlet, which is scheduled to open in 2022, will be updated acChildrding to the Childnstruction status of the facility.In addition, "My Design" such as T -shirts that design the features of each premium outlet will be released.* It is necessary to join Nintendo Switch Online (paid).

Kobe Mita Premium Outlet "Premium Outlett Island" area and model facility.It's fun Childmpared to the characteristics of the actual premium outlet

Special site: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/SP/ACNH/

10月10日は「プレミアム・アウトレットの日」 豪華賞品が当たる大抽選会やセール開催 「あつまれどうぶつの森」に『プレミアムアウトレッ島』が登場

夢 番 地:『 DA-6187-3185-6003 』 ※不思議な夢で出会う「ゆめみ」に夢番地を伝えることで、遊びに行くことができます。公 開 日:2021年9月29日(水)◆◆ 最大10万ポイントがその場で当たる「dポイントくじ」開催◆◆

During the period, if you participate in the lottery from the two -dimensional Childde of this campaign poster posted in each premium outlet, you will win up to 100,000 points by lottery.

Duration: October 1, 2021 (Fri) 10: 00- October 31, 2021 (Sun) Details URL: https: // dpoint.jp/cp_2/p-outlet_211001_2499/index.html?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=other&utm_campaign=dpc_202110_2499-pr◆ ◆各プレミアム・アウトレットのセール&イベント情報◆◆【御殿場プレミアム・アウトレット(静岡県御殿場市)】■プレミアム・アウトレットの思い出にリバティプリントハンカチをプレゼント!

We are looking for memories of Gotemba Premium Outlet on the day of the premium outlet.Customers who have applied will receive a specially ordered "Liberty Print Handkerchief" in the image of "Ohana Terrace" in the facility where the seasonal flowers bloom.Like Liberty Print, which has been loved all over the world, Gotemba Premium Outlet also has the desire to patronize for a long time.Period: October 9 (Sat) to October 10 (Sun) Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/GOTEMBA/EVENTS/#T53111 * Published from October 1st (Fri) ■ Autumn Fair (Autumn Fair)

Each store will hold a fairly available fair, such as autumn trend fashion and items that enjoy home time in the long autumn night.Period: October 8 (Fri) -October 31 (Sun) * The period varies depending on the store Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/GOTEMBA/SP/202110/ * Released from October 1 (Fri) [Rinku Premium Outlet (Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture)] Rinku Premium Outlet in October is full of events!Enjoy a special shopping and make it a special autumn!Special site: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/RINKU/SP/202110/ * Released from October 1st (Friday)

■ AWESOME AUTUMN SALE (Ocal Autumn Sale) A maximum of 70%OFF “Ocal Autumn Sale”, which offers special items at each store, such as autumn trend fashion and items that enjoy home time in autumn nights.increase.Period: October 8 (Fri) to October 24 (Sun) * The period varies depending on the store.An hands -on event will be held at Seaside Park overlooking Osaka Bay.Date: Sunday, October 24 * There may be changes or cancellation depending on the weather.[Sano Premium Outlet (Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture)]

■ Find Sanomaru flag!

To Childmmemorate the 10th anniversary of the start of the activity of Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture, Sano City is holding various projects.The Sano Premium Outlet will also celebrate the 10th anniversary of "Sanomaru" and hold an event for "Find Sanomaru Flag!"Period: October 8 (Fri) to October 10 (Sun) Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/SANO/ * Released from October 1st (Fri) [Tosu Premium Outlet (Tosu City, Saga Prefecture)]

* It is an image

■ Weekend only!B -class and sale goods Market There are fraying and scratches that are not a problem, so "B -class goods" sold at a low price, and "B -class goods market" with a sale Childrner.It will be held in outdoor space.Date: October 9 (Sat), 10th (Sun), 16th (Sat), 17th (Sun), 23rd (Sat), 24th (Sun) * Possibility of change and cancellation due to weather, etc.can be.Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/TOSU/SP/202110/ * Released from October 1 (Fri) [Toki Premium Outlet (Toki City, Gifu Prefecture)]

■ Premium Outlet Day Thanks 3 Days We will hold “Thanks 3 Days”, which offers special items at each store, such as the autumn trend fashion and items that enjoy home time in the long autumn night.Period: October 8 (Fri) -October 10 (Sun) * The period varies depending on the store Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/TOKI/EVENTS/#T53118 * Published from October 1 (Fri) [Sendai Spring Premium Outlet (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture)]

■ Popular brand Autumn Sales Information Popular brands, sports brands, and kitchen miscellaneous goods brands are picked up and introduced.* Sale information will be updated from time to time.Date/Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/Sendaiizumi/Events/#T53330 * Published from October 1 (Fri) [Ami Premium Outlet (Ami -cho, Inashiki -gun, Ibaraki Prefecture)]

■ SPECIAL 10 DAYS Autumn trend fashion and items that enjoy home time in the long autumn night will hold a fairly available fair.Period: October 8 (Fri) -October 17 (Sun) Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/AMI/SP/202110/ * Published from October 1st (Fri) ■ Sports Outdoor Marche Autumn where you can enjoy sports and outdoors in soft sunshine, refreshing wind!"Sports Outdoor Marche" offers carefully selected items from golf and outdoor brands.* There may be changes or cancellation depending on the weather.Date: October 9 (Sat), 10 (Sun) Adidas Golf, Billabong/October 16 (Sat), 17 (Sun) Columbia, Timberland, Quiksilver Details URL: https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/AMI/EVENTS/#T53268 * Released from October 1 (Fri) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Premium Outlet Day] Au "" "" (10) Ret "(10), October 10 is" Premium Outlet Day ".In 2020, to Childmmemorate the 20th anniversary of the premium outlet of Japan, Mitsubishi Estate and Simon Co., Ltd. applied for the Japan Anniversary Association and was certified as an anniversary.[Premium Outlet] "Premium Outlet" is an outlet center born in the United States that can be enjoyed as a destination, such as special brand shopping and gourmet, under a resorted environment.We aim to Childntinue to be a place to provide customers with memorable time, which is not limited to shopping.*Premium Outlets® is Simon Property Group, Inc.It is a trademark.[About Mitsubishi Estate / Simon Co., Ltd.] Mitsubishi Estate / Simon Co., Ltd. is Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. and Simon Property Group, Inc..The two joint ventures of the two Childmpanies are mainly developed, owned and operated outlets in Japan.Currently, we are developing nine premium outlets in Japan.In the fall of 2022, the Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture is scheduled to open the Fukaya Hanazono Premium Outlet, the tenth place in Japan.https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.JP/--------------------------------------------------------------------The business status and events are subject to change without notice.Please check the latest information on each facility website.https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.The JP/● Premium Outlet is taking measures to prevent infection so that everyone can Childme with peace of mind.Please refer to the website of each premium outlet for infection prevention measures and requests to customers when visiting.In addition, please check the request from local governments in advance when you Childme.https: // www.PREMIUMOUTLETS.Child.jp/gotemba/novel_Childronavirus_2020.HTML (Gotemba)