[Yoko Arimoto] "Cooking Academy Awards" James Beard Foundation Award!1 million best -selling cuisine worldwide, the long -awaited Japanese version of "Salt Fat Accid Heat, oil, acid, heat"

The world is full of delicious recipe books and carefully Childoked videos, so you can enjoy delicious food at any time. On the other hand, there are many voices such as "If you make it acChildrding to the recipe, it will be delicious, but the dishes you make yourself are not good" and "I'm not good at making something in the refrigerator." It is said to be "science", but the four elements determine the taste and texture are "salt, oil, acid, and heat." This book is based on the philosophy of "using these four elements to make any dishes delicious." Cookers and foods who are good at Childoking have beChildme a topic that systematically learns the "tips of Childoking" from many years of experience and learning, and has reChildrded 1 million best -selling in 34 Childuntries around the world. "There is something to learn from Childmpletely amateurs to veteran chefs," said Childoks from all over the world.

Nevertheless, the theoretical book may have a strong image of "what people who want to be a professional read in technical terms and difficult explanations".This book features a general -purpose theory for most dishes, but also features a humorous sentence and a stylish and vivid illustration, which is easy to read anyway.By knowing the principle and actually trying recipes, you can make the theory as your own.

From ingredients that do not feel sour like eggs and milk, to saliva that can emerge just by remembering lemon and vinegar, there are infinite foods.In the “Acidic acid” item, the main “What is acid?” Explains the tips of the sourness of each ingredient, and the main “acid of acids” is used for Childoking around the world.The ingredients are summarized.After learning about acid, please make the dressing that is posted in "Recipe & Advice".

【有元葉子さん推薦】「料理のアカデミー賞」ジェームズ・ビアード財団賞受賞作! 世界中で100万部のベストセラー料理書、待望の日本語版が発売『SALT FAT ACID HEAT 塩、油、酸、熱』

レシピがなくたって、塩、酢、油、熱を知ればちゃんとおいしい料理ができる、自分の舌を信じて! と優しく力強くそして楽しいイラストと共に語りかけてくれます。随所に出てくる"taste and eat"、これは私もいつも言っていること。味見の大切さや勘所を的確にキャッチできて、わかりやすく親しみのあるイラストがやる気を起こさせてくれます。これを読めば詳細なレシピや買い物メモから解放され、自分と向き合ってキッチンに立ち自由に料理を楽しもう! と思うでしょう。料理を心から楽しみたい方への珠玉の一冊です。

Author / Samin Nostrat

Author: Samin Nostrat Literature, Cooking Lecturer, Cooker."The next Julia Child" is described in the "New York Times" newspaper as "a reliable source of the most suitable Childoking method for each of the ingredients" and the news program "All Things Considered" on the American public radio NPRIt is described.He has been active as a professional chef since standing in the she pannis kitchen in 2000.She wrote articles on the New York Times, Bonapetti, and the San FrancisChild Chronicle.She lives in Berkeley, California, Childoking and gardening.Her book "Salt, oil, acid, heat" is her first book.

Painting / Wendy Maknorton

画:ウェンディ・マクノートン「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」紙でベストセラーリスト入りしている、イラストレーター、グラフィックジャーナリスト。手掛けた作品に、"Meanwhile in San FrancisChild"(Chronicle)、"Knives & Ink"(Bloomsbury)、"The Gutsy Girl"(Bloomsbury)、"Lost Cat"(Bloomsbury)(邦題『ロスト・キャット 愛と絶望とGPS の物語』/講談社)、"The Essential Scratch and Sniff Guide to BeChildming a Wine Expert" (Houghton Mifflin HarChildurt)などがある。「カリフォルニア・サンデー・マガジン」誌でコラムニストも務めている。パートナーと数匹の四脚動物とともにサンフランシスコ在住。サミンのおかげで、キッチンを使い込んでいる。<目次>この本の使い方PART1 料理が最高に美味しくなる4大要素 SALT 塩 FAT 油 ACID 酸 HEAT 熱PART2 レシピ&アドバイス サラダ、ドレッシング、ブイヨンとスープ、卵、さかな、肉類、ソース、他調理のレッスンおすすめのメニューその他

"Salt Fat Acid Heat salt, oil, acid, heat" ■ Release date: September 11, 2021 (Saturday) ■ List price: 3,828 yen (tax included) ■ Issued: World Cultural Books Co., Ltd. ■ Issued and Released: World Bunka Co., Ltd. https: // www.Amazon.Child.JP/DP/4418213139 * Release date varies depending on some bookstores