[Trademark acquisition orange CBD®] Safe and secure because it is non -cannabis!CBD97%Purple Orange CBD® has been significantly reduced

The functional component "CBD", which has been a hot topic around the world in the last five years, is a Cannabiial, and is mainly extracted from cannabis. CBD (hereafter, cannabis CBD), which is derived from cannabis, has been reported to have many effects such as stress -relaxing, reducing fatigue, improving sleep disorders, relieving pain, and improving skin diseases. WHO (World Health Organization) suggests the possibility of pharmacical effects on many diseases such as epilepsy, anti -depression, mental disorders, Parkinson's disease, cancer pain, rheumatism, etc. It has been reported that there is no adverse event. In response to this, many media have already reported that the banial movements of cannabis, including CBD, are occurring in many states in the United States and many states in the United States. However, in Japan, cannabis products are fully restricted (seeds and stems only) and prohibited ingredients (THC) due to the restrictions on the cannabis and drugs and psychotropic drug control laws (hemp -oriented law). Removal is strictly required. In particular, cannabis products that contain "THC", which are known as the spiritual components of cannabis, are prohibited from import, possession, sales, and use by hemp. According to Tsuyoshi Takagi, who is familiar with cannabis business, some of the cannabis CBD products currently distributed in Japan have prohibited ingredients THC. As a consultant firm for pharmaceutical mail order, our company has been advised for laws and regulations such as import of cannabis CBD products and domestic sales, but investigating CBD -related products around the world to clear the THC residual problem. I was analyzing. Orange CBD started importing this time to clear the various legal regulations of cannabis CBD products. Orange CBD is made from fruits developed by California research institutions, tasteless and odorless and off -white powder. Because of the unique bitterness, odor, and color of cannabis CBD, it does not impair the taste, aroma, and color of the final product. Orange CBD can be used by dissolving it in MCT oil, olive oil, etc. due to fat -soluble. The manufacturing of orange CBD is performed in the United States, and generates a high -purity CBD by using Cyclic Terpene Assembly, which combines raw materials such as citrus skins without genetically modified or genetic editing. I succeeded in doing. An analysis conducted by a US third -party organization contained 97 % of CBD and no THC and other cannabinoids were detected. In addition, it is not eligible for the Cannabis Control Law because it is an orange ingredient. In WADA, the athlete can take CBD products because the CBD has been excluded from the ban on or later in 2018. However, many cannabis CBD products include cannabinoids derived from cannabis, such as THCA, CBDA, CBG, and CBN in addition to THC, and these are prohibited ingredients. Thus, Pure CBD orange CBD can also be used for sports and athletes who comply with WADA. We will continue to provide analyzing services in the United States, such as Cannavinoids, such as CBD/THC, a cannabis product that cannot be measured by domestic analytics organizations, to continue to import and sell more secure cannabis CBD products.

■製品紹介製品名:オレンジCBD®成分分析結果:CBD 97%以上、THC 0%77%OFF ※全て税別価格10g :従来価格  90,000円 → 20,000円に値下げ100g:従来価格 800,000円 → 180,000円に値下げこのリリースに関するお問い合わせは株式会社RCTジャパン 持田までMail: info@rctjapan.orgTEL:090-3499-6077■企業概要株式会社RCTジャパンhttps://www.rctjapan.org/代表取締役社長:持田 騎一郎所在地:〒150-0002東京都渋谷区渋谷2-21-1 渋谷ヒカリエ8階MOV内Mail:info@rctjapan.orgTEL:090-3499-6077創業:2014年8月業種:薬機法、景表法コンサル業務、機能性表示食品コンサル事業、広告代理業務、システマティック・レビュー(SR)の作成、ヒト臨床試験のコーディネートなど

【商標取得 オレンジCBD®】非大麻だから安心、安全! CBD97%純度のオレンジCBD®の大幅値下げを開始