"Traditional tea utensils" and "important cultural properties" If you paint the container of the melon sherbet ... too much luxury

First of all, please see this image.


An emerald -colored object is enshrined on the cloth.It emits a metal -like light and looks heavy.

This is on December 5, 2021, by Twitter user Mista ( @ Mista191985).

A photo posted with a muttering.It is said that the identity of a paper -like thing is a container that contains melon sherbets.

This reaction has been received on Twitter in a high -quality figure that doesn't seem to be so.

Mista's post has become a hot topic, with more than 10,000 likes.

「伝統ある茶器」「重要文化財」 メロンシャーベットの入れ物を塗装してみたら...高級感があふれすぎた件

How did you paint?J -Town Net reporter asked himself on the 8th.

Using a marker painted on the Gundam plastic model...

Mista's hobby is assembling plastic models and painting.

It is said that "Metallic Yellow Green" was selected from the paint "Gundam Metallic Marker" that paint Gundam plastic models and other places, and sprayed with an airbrush.

The reason was simple, because I thought before, "I want to apply metallic."

For Mista's post, from users who were hooked on painting for a while

Some voices have arrived.What makes you want to paint unintentionally may be the fate of the paint.

Mista uses a metallic melon sherbet container to decorate the room.

Maybe the coolest accessories......?

The editorial department postscript at 10:55 on the 9th: When the article first appeared, the user name of the contributor was incorrect, so I modified it.

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Read the article at that time
