In April this year, Galaxy THEATRES LUXURY+ BOUULEVARD, the first movie theater, Sony Digital Cinema, opened in Sony Digital Cinema.
Sony "produces" from the projection system that transcribes the video, as well as screen, sound system, seats, and the entrance to the interior that connects to the museum.This is the world's first "Sony Theater" that realizes high -quality images and sounds and aims for a comfortable and premium experience with all seats reclining seats.
As you know, the company has a Colombian movie of Hollywood Major under the umbrella, for many years, from software to hard and services, including cinema cameras and editing systems, theatrical audio format "SDDS", cinema projectors, operations systems, etc.He has built a close relationship with the film industry.However, it has never developed a theater system with a company name like Sony Digital Cinema.
What kind of system is Sony Digital Cinema? Where is the difference from theater systems such as Dolby Cinema and IMAX, which is a hot topic? Is it possible to develop to Japan in the future?I heard the story.
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